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Solenoid valve is how to work it?
2016-08-04 08:44:21 admin
Solenoid valve it is a switch type (that is, double - position) automatic valve, it is applicable to a variety of working fluid, including gas and liquid refrigerant, light
Water, salt water and lubricating oil. The screw refrigerator is a component to be equipped, usually installed in the tank (or condenser) and
Expansion valve.
Although the solenoid valve is a variety of forms, but according to the principle of action, it is basically divided into two kinds:
1, direct action, that is, an open type;
2, indirect action, that is, two open type. In the screw chiller, solenoid valve coil field is often with the motor compressor on line
Then, when the compressor is opened, the electromagnetic valve is opened; when the compressor is closed, the electromagnetic valve is closed, and a large amount of cooling is avoided.
The agent liquid enters the evaporator when the machine is shut down to prevent the compressor from being hit when the compressor starts again.
The electromagnetic valve works: when the power is switched on, the coil is electrified to generate a magnetic field, and the heart is attracted by the magnetic force, the valve port is opened, and the valve port is opened.
When the coil power supply is cut off, the magnetic force disappears, and the heart is closed by the action of the spring force and the self weight.
Choice of electromagnetic valve, generally according to the size of piping size selection, in addition to choose suitable for the screw type refrigerating medium
Valve body material. The solenoid valve Dongxing screw refrigerator are featured in the well-known brand, 100% new original.



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