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Causes and solutions of low suction pressure of cold water machine
2016-07-28 09:00:00 admin
Cold water machine suction pressure is too low, what is the reason? How to solve the problem? In fact, there are many reasons for the low suction pressure of the cold water machine.
Here we simply say that the cause of this failure, and its solution.
1, the condenser refrigerant liquid outlet valve is not fully open. To fully open the valve.
2, refrigerant filter clogging. To clean and replace the filter regularly.
3, improper adjustment of the expansion valve or failure. Need to adjust the correct or troubleshooting, when necessary to replace.
4, refrigerant filling. Should be added to the specified amount.
5, excess lubricating oil in cold water machine refrigeration system cycle. Causes should be identified to reduce to a suitable value.
6, the evaporator water temperature is low. Raise the water temperature setting value.
7, through the evaporation of water shortage. Check water pump, water valve.
The cooling water of the cold water machine is an open loop circuit, and the running water is normally used by the cooling tower. When the calcium salt in the water
And magnesium salt content is high, easy decomposition and deposition on cooling water pipe and the formation of scale, effect of heat transfer. Too thick to make cooling water.
The circulation section is reduced, the water quantity is reduced, and the condensation pressure is increased. Therefore, when the water quality of the cooling water is poor, the cooling water pipe is annually to the annual water quality.
Less clean, remove scale tube and other contaminants. Prevent pipe blockage.



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