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How to inject new vitality into the cold water machine in China
2016-07-28 08:56:43 admin
Experts say economists in the forecast, with the world's economic situation is not stable, China's industrial cold water machine manufacturing industry there are a variety of difficulties
. Lang Xianping, an economist, said the crisis in China's cold water machine industry is mainly in the following aspects: on the one hand, the real economy is not
Boom? The stock market is in the doldrums and the formation of a strong contrast is the luxury flats, luxury cars, luxury luxury, high-end antique art is
A hot, false prosperity and real weakness in parallel.
China Industrial cold water machine manufacturing industry has been further marginalized product research and development and innovation. Although China is a big country with cold water mechanism
Itself, now has been going downhill, the right of the international discourse tends to decline. Unable to grasp the rules of the international market, in the key of pricing power and cold water
Mechanism to further reduce the profits of the manufacturing industry.
Too heavy taxes, high cost of capital, labor cost advantage is no longer. Raised the minimum wage all over the country, the rapid rise in labor costs?
The only advantage is no longer exists. Deterioration of operating environment, excess capacity. With the decline of the world economic situation, the demand for foreign trade is greatly reduced, leading to the
Excess capacity in the industry, the investment environment of the cold water mechanism to further deterioration of the investment environment.
At present, the technological progress of China's refrigeration industry is still far from meeting the needs of other industries, especially some advanced technologies and products.
Still can not develop independently. Followed by the overall quality of the refrigeration industry needs to be improved. At present, our country has become a serious shortage of senior technical personnel of the refrigeration industry has become
An indisputable fact. The old technology of great majority retired? New technicians and does not come up? This "lean" phenomenon has seriously hindered the
The healthy development of the refrigeration industry in china.



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