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What kind of equipment, the best equipment price is best
2016-07-26 08:36:49 admin
Air-cooled chiller manufacturers have a lot of technical personnel, in the choice of air-cooled chiller equipment, we must pay attention to the relevant factors. Whether the use of an air-cooled chiller is cheaper, we need to look at the overall cost of it: the purchase price, power consumption, maintenance cost, trouble shooting, etc.. Water chiller power consumption is different, and some more power, and some of the more power consumption, so the equipment selection, the general will be compared to see if there is a large power consumption may.
In addition, in the choice of air cooled chiller or considering all the above factors are associated with some of the problems, for example, air-cooled chiller equipment selection must consider whether it is suitable for the industry, then obvious is need for chillers for more information, in addition to the used power, also need to understand the level of maintenance cost, maintenance time setting and so on.



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