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East Star mechanical and electrical about the water cooler solenoid valve
2016-07-25 09:09:40 admin
Solenoid valve is a switch type automatic valve, generally applicable to a variety of working fluid, including gas and liquid refrigerant, fresh water, salt water and lubricating oil. In the cold water machine, the liquid storage device or the condenser and the expansion valve are generally provided with an electromagnetic valve. When start running the chiller compressor, electromagnetic valve will timely opened, when the compressor stops working, solenoid valve closes immediately, lest a large number of refrigerant liquid in shutdown enters the evaporator cause the compressor to start again when the liquid shock cylinder.
The electromagnetic valve is generally composed of an electromagnetic valve casing, a coil, a core iron, a spring, a diaphragm or a piston, a valve body, a sealing ring, and other major components. Solenoid valve, although there are many forms, but from its action principle, basically is divided into two kinds: one is the direct action, that is, one open type; the other is an indirect action, namely the two open type.
And for a variety of cold water solenoid valve selection, the East Star Refrigeration recommendations based on the size of the pipe size matching, in addition to the use of the cold water machine body material.
In addition, the installation of solenoid valve should pay special attention to:
Solenoid valve should be installed vertically in the horizontal pipe, the direction of the flow of media should be consistent with the direction of the solenoid valve casing;
Valve should be installed before the filter to prevent the phenomenon of pore clogging;
Where the valve should be located in the location of the smaller vibration;
Supply voltage should be equal with the use of voltage regulation solenoid valve nameplate;
The use of pressure should be less than the permissible pressure of the solenoid valve.



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