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Protect industrial water machine core components to improve the efficiency of equipment operation
2016-07-19 08:28:44 admin
Enterprises use the cold water machine will inevitably encounter different types of failures, in dealing with the problem, in order to avoid affecting the service life of the core parts of the cold water machine, the need for enterprises to pay attention to check the chiller every day. If the enterprise can eliminate all kinds of cold water machine in time the small fault, then the running efficiency of industrial cold water machine is continuously increasing, and reduce the energy consumption of the enterprise using the cold water machine.
When the water chiller is running, it will inevitably affect the operating power of the equipment if the malfunction occurs. Cold water machine core components, including compressor, condenser, evaporator and so on, any one of the parts of the failure, will affect the normal operation of the cold water machine. Although appear small fault, cold water machine to maintain the normal operation of the condenser and the evaporator to, but ignore the condenser and evaporator failure may lead to cold water machine cooling performance will continue to decline, and chiller energy consumption will continue to increase.
Elimination technique of condenser and evaporator fault
1, timely detection of the presence of condenser and evaporator failure, can ensure the enterprise to quickly solve the fault. Because of the great harm of the evaporator and condenser fault, not only affects the operation of the water chiller, but also the energy consumption of the cold water machine is increasing. If the energy consumption of chiller is increasing, the operation cost of the enterprise is very high, and there is a negative effect on the use of the cold water machine. Can deal with all kinds of condenser and evaporator failure in a timely manner, can ensure the steady operation of cold water machine.
2, you want to exclude the condenser and evaporator condenser is very simple, daily operation of the cold water machine, you want to carefully observe the condenser and the evaporator pressure gauge is normal. If the pressure is normal that the equipment does not have a fault, otherwise it is required to complete the processing of failure in a timely manner, to ensure the high efficiency and stability of the cold water machine.
If the enterprise in the use of cold water machine when ignoring the importance of evaporator and condenser, in daily maintenance and maintenance when not timely inspection chiller whether there is fault, then will affect to use cold water machine costs. If the cost of using the cold water machine companies continue to increase, then the use of industrial water machine companies do not have any cost-effective.



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