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To prevent industrial refrigerator refrigerant loss fault protection equipment stability appear
2016-07-18 08:43:30 admin
Some enterprise operating equipment more than 3 years, when the cooling performance of the equipment after the change, the stability of the equipment is directly affected by the serious impact. In fact, the use of industrial freezers, once the industrial refrigerator cooling performance continued to reduce the needed at this time to consider whether or not because industrial freezers in the presence of faults, and lead to the safety of the equipment are affected. Can the lack of refrigerant fault and remove the common industrial refrigerator, can guarantee long-term stable operation of equipment.
The failure of the refrigerant to threaten the growth of equipment
Enterprises to use in an industrial freezer must be careful, any bad habits will lead to a very high loss of business. In fact, companies use in an industrial freezer as long as pay attention to regularly check refrigerant capacity 5 horses chiller capillary length, and timely to add refrigerant, can improve the safety of equipment operation, equipment operation safety coefficient is high, enterprise use industrial chiller energy consumption less in order to help the enterprises use the lowest cost to complete the goal of reducing the space temperature. Enterprises in the use of industrial refrigerator energy consumption is less, the use of industrial enterprises refrigerator price higher.
To maintain the stable operation of the equipment, the need to detect the refrigerant capacity
If the absence of agent mechanism of ammonia cold wage cooling mold temperature machine and heating rod capacity, then in use in an industrial freezer process, equipment security and stability will be by a serious threat. As ordinary enterprises, as long as the lapse of time of half an year timely detection of industrial refrigeration system refrigerant if there is lack of problems, you can keep the equipment quickly to reduce the space temperature. Higher power equipment operation, shorter time of enterprises to use industrial freezers consumption, so as to reduce the cost of equipment operation and create conditions.
Refrigerant loss hazard
As the enterprise is concerned, in the use of industrial freezers, if the existence of refrigerant is serious lack of equipment will affected the safety of equipment operation. Enterprises can timely adjust the operation plan of the equipment, and timely filling refrigerant, that can ensure long-term safe and efficient operation of equipment.
To deal with the industrial refrigeration refrigerant loss fault, enterprises need to conduct a comprehensive inspection in a timely manner. To discover and eliminate various industrial refrigerating machine common fault, equipment can improve the cooling performance, and avoid refrigerant loss fault threat to the enterprise the normal use of the industrial freezers, to the enterprise safety and efficient operation of an industrial freezer. East Star



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