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What is the role of the installation of ventilation ducts
2016-07-13 08:40:36 admin
Fan installation for factories and other industrial sites, with a particularly extraordinary significance. And the fan can be installed in the roof, but also to a large extent, to beautify the appearance. Said so much, what are the advantages of the wind turbine in the end it?
First of all, now the industrial plant, many of which are built with a color steel plate, poor cooling conditions, the working environment can directly affect the working efficiency of workers, work efficiency, product quality can not be guaranteed. Roof of the fan can effectively improve the indoor air quality, to two meters more comfortable working environment, increase efficiency, because the roof fan installed on the roof, but also does not affect the plant appearance.
Secondly, some industrial sites, because of its particularity, plant air pollution index is high, poor environment, serious impact on the workers' health, ventilation and smoke exhaust pipe can greatly improve the quality of the air in the workshop.
Finally, fire accident, the most people is choked by the heavy smoke injury. The exhaust pipe can be quickly exhaust smoke from the fire accident and necessary to equipped with a fire valve, can greatly reduce the loss caused by fire accident. East Star Refrigeration



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