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Screw type water chiller and its water system, how to operate
2016-07-13 08:37:10 admin
In the screw type water chiller, first to determine which loop is the primary start, that is, in the control panel of the chiller, to determine the selection button on the "A" is still the "B" in the direction of the. OK, according to the "ON" or "1" button, screw type chiller can be launched.
If we will system in the range of "a", then the first launched is a system near the top of the compressor, when demand increase load time. After a few minutes, screw chillers will take the initiative to launch a system B near the top of the compressor; if still needs to continue increasing the load, in just a few minutes after the chiller system a second compressor and to take the initiative to launch. So in order to launch a full two alternately, the compressor refrigeration loop until the screw chiller of the engine to stop running.
If we first select the button in the "B" position, then the first launch of the B system with the first stage compressor. According to the needs of users of the refrigeration system, in just a few minutes after the screw type cold water machine and the initiative to launch a system near the top of the compressor, after this sequence interspersed sequence start, until cold water machine two refrigeration loop compressor is fully start stop.
Why do you want to give the screw type chiller to do more? Top, can according to production needs wanton open during a refrigeration circuit; second, if a loop during the attack problems to open another circuit to ensure the normal operation of the chiller and will not affect to users of the need of cooling. Cold water machine factory



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