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Error prone in the operation of screw type water chiller
2016-07-08 08:30:45 admin
Some customers in the operation of screw chillers use process and formulated manufacturers differ, resulting in unit repair rate increase. Xiaobian think screw chiller operation also has rules, like we drive a car hanging files from one to five step by step, if leapfrog gear is easy to cause the damage to the gearbox. Screw type cold water machine in the operation of the existence of the error: before the boot did not close the water inlet valve shell tube condenser, which will cause water channeling phenomenon. Part of the cooling water return from the shell tube condenser flow away. This reduces the shell tube condenser cooling water flow, caused the condensing unit pressure is constantly on the rise, increase the operation of the main current, resulting in decrease in the refrigeration quantity, serious will make screw chillers stop working. This is the cost of electricity, so that the cooling efficiency is reduced, equipment failure rate increased.
From the beginning of the error operation, the cooling water temperature and condensation pressure of the main engine is increased. Units will be issued a warning, will cause a wrong judgment to the operator, that cooling water is not enough, and the condenser inlet valve and cooling water pump outlet valve open, there will be a cooling tower fan open, this will cause cooling tower fan and pump power consumption increases, the cost will increase a lot. From a small series of operators to understand and even open the cooling water pump. To open the cooling water pump can reduce the condensing pressure and temperature of cooling water, so the pump power is wasted. Xiao Bian believes that the correct operation method of unit cooling water system is:
A, before starting off shell and tube condenser inlet valve, prevent channeling water unit.
B, open the inlet and outlet valves of the shell and tube condenser and the cooling water pump, adjust the inlet and outlet pressure of the condenser.
C, if the shell and tube type condenser water inlet and outlet pressure meter pointer swing is too large, it shows that the cooling water system has air, you need to empty the gas inside the unit, the pressure gauge to indicate the normal rear can be. East Star



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