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Causes and preventive measures of explosion of refrigeration compressor and equipment
2016-07-07 08:10:59 admin
The main reason for the explosion of refrigeration compressor and equipment is the following three:
1 oxygen pressure test, or the presence of ammonia system (equipment) with air pressure test;
2 in the remaining refrigerant under the condition of hot repair;
3 overpressure operation.
According to the above reasons, the main measures to prevent the explosion of refrigeration compressor and equipment:
1 in any case, strictly prohibited oxygen pressure test, ammonia system (equipment) can not be used air pressure test, all test pressure, test leakage are using dry nitrogen;
2 hot repair, should first confirm the total emissions of ammonia refrigerant, equipment (containers) application of internal water flushing;
3 no unauthorized modification of the security device, to ensure the safety of the device on a regular check to ensure that the pressure does not exceed the operation.
East Star Refrigeration



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