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Central air conditioning is the most important source of air quality in the hotel?
2016-07-07 08:07:39 admin
With the improvement of people's quality of life, as the living environment of the consumption of the hotel also began to face beautiful, comfortable, luxurious etc. factors. Among them, the hotel air quality become to be one of the key concerns of the, and central air conditioning is affected is the main source of air quality.
According to the survey, the hotel's internal air pollutants mainly include solid particles, microorganisms and harmful gases. Gaseous pollutants including radon, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (VOC), suspended particles and microorganisms, including suspended particulate matter, air microorganism, other pollutants including ozone, Legionella genera and dust mites. There are many factors affecting the air quality in the hotel, central air-conditioning, kitchen, bathrooms, trench, damp, pool, fertilizer plants, decoration materials and furniture, linen washing quality are likely to lead to. Central air conditioning is is the main source of influencing the quality of the air, such as air conditioning system fresh air collecting mouth contaminated; air conditioning system filter failure caused by indoor air pollution; air flow organization is not reasonable, resulting in pollutants in local corner retention, accumulation, formation of indoor air pollution; air conditioning system cooling water may be the presence of Legionella, resulting in air microbial contamination. Now many hotel ventilation and with air conditioning circulating system, all the room window sealing, unchecked, is bound to have an impact on air quality. East Star Refrigeration
Through informed understanding, many hotels spend great efforts to improve service, improve equipment, but they often neglect the improvement of air quality. Now, a lot of the hotel launched a green rooms, non-smoking rooms, floors, however, many hotels often to become a mere formality, air quality problems easily neglected. Therefore, to solve the air quality problem has become one of the hotel must put on the agenda. In order to solve this problem, first, we should do a good job in the use of air conditioning and cleaning. Indoor air environment is mainly provided by the air-conditioning system, so that the performance of the air-conditioning system, quality reliability, investment, environmental protection and services, and put forward a higher, more stringent, more scientific requirements. Because the hotel air conditioning system to take more internal loop, it is easy to breed bacteria, a long time will seriously affect the quality of indoor air, therefore, must be professional cleaning of the hotel air conditioning system. In addition, we should take the pollution source control, ventilation measures, partial purification, control and treatment, using new technology and other means to help improve air quality. East Star Refrigeration



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