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Cold water machine type selection, how simple how to
2016-06-02 08:08:13 admin
East Star Refrigeration is a professional production of refrigeration equipment manufacturers, many need cold water machine will produce water circulation and recycling oil cooling, or plastic products factory is a friend, we in repairing the machine, industrial cold water, often do not know what kind of machine is more suitable for their own production workshop, or say don't know which type cold water machine can meet the cooling effect.
First of all, we need to find out which types of cold water machine:
1 water cooled chiller, and can be divided into open type, sealed (some known as box type) and screw type. First stated, water-cooled chiller is to add cooling water tower and water pump, which is used to extract water cooling, in order to achieve the effect and good cooling effect.
2. Air cooled chiller, in which body containing a thermal insulation water tank and a water pump, without adding another cooling water tower to heat, installation and removal is very convenient, but it to the work environment requirements higher. First of all, because it is in hot air circulation to refrigeration, so if the installation of the workshop ventilation effect is not good, directly affect the cooling effect of the cooling water machine; in addition, if you want to put the chiller in humidity requirements of the dust-free workshop, then Mr Nagin advised you modified water, because of the air cooled chiller, in set-top emit steam to heat dissipation.
Open type of cold water machine, but also to install a water tank, the seal is not necessary, because he has built a water tank. Open general will install a place in the workshop, convenient maintenance, but because of the beautiful is not enough, so there is sealing type water cooled chiller, because it is a box body structure, it is more popular, but if you on the refrigerating capacity requirements very big words, selection of screw type cold water machine, then we will call the chiller.
Experts remind you: if you are on the cold water machine compressor requirements to achieve 100HP above, it is recommended that you use screw type chiller.



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