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Performance analysis report of screw type cold water machine
2016-05-31 08:12:13 admin
East Star industrial chillers, cooling method in accordance with the divided into two kinds of air cooled and water cooled chiller machine; according to the structure is divided into sealed type cold water machine and the open type cold water machine; vortex type cold water machine according to the type of compressor, piston chillers, screw chillers; according to the temperature points in high temperature water (standard cold water machine) machine, cold water machine. So, what is the difference between the screw type chiller and the open chiller?
Screw type cold water machine, because of its use of screw type compressor and get this name, there is air and water cooled screw chiller. The unit power is relatively large, so the smallest screw type chiller model is 30hp. Its simple structure, by the compressor, evaporator, condenser, electric control system, refrigeration parts, generally suitable for chemical, ink printing, concrete mixing station and other industries.
Open type cold water machine only, so some users also known as the water - cooled cold water machine, which uses a scroll or piston type compressor, more models, small to 3P, large 60p and other models to choose from. Open type cold water machine, just as its name implies, it is open, by the same compressor, evaporator, condenser, electric control system, refrigeration accessories composition. It is mainly used in plastics, electronics, pharmaceutical, and food preservation.
Therefore, according to the structure of the screw type cold water machine and the open type cold water machine, both belong to the open type cold water machine series; according to the configuration are different, both types of compressors; according to the cooling mode, screw type chiller can do air cooled screw chiller, water cooled screw rod type cold water machine, open type cold water machine is water cooled.
How to determine the type of cold water required by the plant? 1, to see what equipment is used, is the need for air-cooled or water cooled chiller. 2, the demand of the cold water machine power, if the power is not, then there is no need to choose screw type chiller. 3, open type cold water machine is not outside the box, if the factory to the cold water machine appearance requirements are higher, it is recommended to use a sealed type of cold water machine (box type cold water machine).



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