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Three major constraints on the development of refrigeration industry in China
2016-05-24 08:04:16 admin
The ice machine is a kind of refrigeration equipment of water through the evaporator by refrigerant cooling system after the formation of ice. According to the different evaporator and formation process of the principle, the shape of the ice formation are also different, China's ice machine efficiency level of research still exist many gaps, from the perspective of China's overall environment, good type of environment construction of innovative country policy, ice machine industry's rapid development, creating a policy on the optimal conditions.
After several decades of development, whether it is the scale of production or technical level, have been greatly improved, the role of the national economy is also growing. However, due to the wide application of refrigeration equipment, different areas of the requirements are not the same. With the rapid development of various industries, the requirements for the refrigeration equipment is also getting higher and higher. And from the current perspective, China's refrigeration industry still has three major shortcomings.
First, the introduction of foreign advanced technology can not be digested and absorbed in a timely manner. In the industrial field, China's refrigeration industry and foreign contact is relatively early. In the middle of the 1980s, China began to introduce foreign advanced technology, and established a number of joint ventures. But at present, the technical progress of China's refrigeration industry is still far from meeting the needs of other industries, especially some cutting-edge technologies and products can not be developed independently.
Two is the overall quality of the refrigeration industry needs to be improved. Like other industries in China, the serious shortage of senior technicians in China's refrigeration industry has become an indisputable fact. Old technology university most retired, new technicians and do not fill up, this kind of "lean" phenomenon has seriously hindered the healthy development of refrigeration industry in China. Therefore, the experts suggest that enterprises should be the unique skills of the old mechanic hired back, so they take apprentice, through the pass, help, with, to ease the contradiction of the shortage of skilled workers in china.
Three is the lack of capital investment in technical development, serious brain drain, domestic brands unknown. As is known to all, the refrigeration compressor is the most important part of the refrigeration equipment. But a mention of the compressor, people think of the first is the United States brand, the quality of their products, in the market has been deeply rooted in the root. And the domestic production enterprises, in order to prove their products are good, quality assurance, always like to tell the user: our products are imported compressor. Continuously for a long time, in the minds of people have such a concept, only with a foreign compressor refrigeration equipment, product quality is guaranteed. The compressor of domestic brands will no more "in the light of day"



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