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How to judge the air suction temperature of the air cooled chiller
2016-05-23 08:09:13 admin
Determine the working parameters of the refrigeration cycle is to determine the working temperature and working pressure of the refrigerant, one of which contains: the "heart" of the air-cooled chiller - the determination of the air intake temperature of refrigeration compressor. Refrigeration compressor suction gas temperature is always higher than the evaporation temperature, the difference between the two we call it too hot. Superheat size should be according to the suction pipe and the evaporating temperature overheating, kinds of refrigerant and refrigeration cycle type to determine, can be determined according to the refrigeration compressor nominal working condition under the overheating degree can also be determined in accordance with the following experience.
With Freon for air-cooled chiller refrigerant refrigeration system as an example. The freon refrigeration system generally want to have certain suction superheat, way can improve the circular economy, and secondly, to ensure the normal operation of the refrigeration system. So the size of the heat can be determined according to the following principles.
1, if the cold water machine using thermal expansion valve, the evaporator outlet gas heat for 3 - 8;
2, the single stage compression and two-stage compression of air-cooled chiller, the high pressure air temperature should not exceed +15, but also can not be too low;
3. The low pressure stage of the two-stage compression cold water machine allows the air intake temperature to be related to the performance of the gas liquid heat exchanger and the cold loss of the suction pipeline;
4, in the gas - liquid heat exchanger, the gas outlet temperature is lower than the liquid inlet temperature of 5 - 10.



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