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The treatment work after the burning of the screw chiller refrigeration compressor
2016-05-14 08:13:27 admin
You do not do the whole system of cold water testing and processing, will be directly replaced by a new refrigeration compressor, East Star Refrigeration can be very responsible to tell you: this new compressor will be burned again within about a month. So, when the screw chiller refrigeration compressor has been burned or mechanical failure should be how to deal with it?
Compressor is certainly to be replaced, but in the preparation of materials and tools to be replaced before the need to do the following work:
1. Check the electric control system of the screw type water chiller. That is, in the case of the contactor, control panel, overload, circuit, etc. there is no exception, to ensure that the normal can be;
2, to see whether the control panel settings change, the analysis of whether or not because of the wrong adjustment or set values change caused by the compressor burned;
3, check the cooling water unit of the refrigerant pipeline there is no abnormal situation, and need to be corrected;
4, you can use shake table measuring insulation or three meter coil resistance and and the screw type water chiller operator to understand the causes and consequences of judgment as a reference to determine compressor is burned or half burnt, or stuck situation;
5, from the liquid pipe part of the leakage of a bit of cold media, observation of the residue of the color, and smell the taste, if the compressor burned, it will have a sour taste;
After 6, demolition of refrigeration compressor, can pour a little oil, to observe its color. In and out of money will host, high and low voltage two tubes with tape wrapped, or close the valve.



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