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Low temperature cold water machine with refrigerant as what?
2016-05-13 08:07:44 admin
The saline solution has many advantages, such as raw material is abundant, easy to obtain, and the cost is low, the freezing point can be adjust, but due to the salt concentration of the brine properties has a great influence, so in cold water machine to choose water as coolant shall pay attention to the following questions.
First, the salt concentration should be suitable. Many people may think that the increase in salt water can reduce the freezing point, but if the increase in salt water density, reduce the heat, will increase the power consumption of the infusion pump. So we use salt water as cold water chiller refrigerant, as long as the guarantee that the freezing point of water than the evaporation temperature of refrigerant low 5 ~ 8 degrees can be.
Two. The corrosion resistance of the brine to the low temperature cold water machine and pipeline. If the oxygen content in the solution is reduced, it will slow down the corrosion of the cold water cooler and the pipe. Based on this, we can reduce the salt water and air contact principle, using the closed brine system, so that it can reduce the corrosion of low temperature cold water machine and pipeline. In addition, it can be added to the salt in the brine to make it with a suitable acid and alkali to reduce corrosion.
Saline coolant in use process will absorb the moisture in the air, this will reduce its concentration, thereby causing the freezing point temperature. Therefore, the enterprises in the cold water machine used in the process to the proportion of saline on a regular basis to detect the, if the concentration to reduce the phenomenon can be appropriate to add salt to keep the concentration of the brine.



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