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Cold water machine running in how to do the frosting? How to solve?
2016-05-12 08:04:32 admin
Cold water machine why appear frost phenomenon? Should be how to solve it? East Star Refrigeration suggested that you do the investigation from the following several points (in the absence of cold water machine maintenance personnel, in a timely manner to contact the cold water machine manufacturers to carry out maintenance):
1, check whether the amount of refrigerant in the standard range. Whether too much or too little, it will affect the normal operation of the cold water machine.
2, is not more than a parallel use of cold water units? If the cold water unit opened a number, then to see whether because unit on the frost boot time is too long caused (unit has a control panel can according to the needs of setting the chiller open stop time).
3, if it is a cold water machine, please check whether the opening of the expansion valve is too large. You can fine tune a small point (if it is an electronic expansion valve adjustable circuit control panel).
4, if the expansion valve through a small opening, or blocked, then fluid volume for the refrigerant will be reduced, will makes the evaporation temperature is low, resulting in fin evaporator frosting; if the refrigerant evaporation endless flow and returned back to the trachea and compressor to evaporate, causing compression machine and return pipe frosting.
5. Check whether because the filter is too dirty, or fin evaporator too dirty makes the heat transfer effect is poor, the refrigerant evaporation endless flow and returned back to the trachea and compressor to evaporation lead to frost.
6, if the chiller operating environment is poor, or air circulation, will also lead to bad radiating effect and the influence to the unit on the frost.
If the cold water machine appear frost fault, enterprises must timely use of professional complete fault processing, to ensure the safety of cold water machine, stable operation, and regularly check the cooling water machine parts whether worn or damaged, should be replaced in a timely manner. In addition, enterprises to buy cold water machine, according to the production needs of a reasonable matching of cold water machine, in order to better use of cold water machine, reduce the cost of enterprise use.



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