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"Five one" before the arrival, you must have a good cold water machine?
2016-04-05 08:55:34 admin
Selection of cold water machine, it is important to look at the configuration and parameters of the cold water machine. If a small cold water machine configuration, the most direct consequence is unable to achieve the cooling effect, if need have to cold water machine. As a result, with only a 15p cold water machine, that affirmation is unable to meet the cooling requirements; if the cold water machine with big, that we bring the user will only is a waste. Therefore, everyone in the choice of cold water machine, you can calculate the power of the cold water machine according to our needs. East Star here to tell you a formula to ensure that you can buy the right water machine.
After determining the good chiller power, then is the configuration. For any product, its composition is very important. Not only involved in the product design, but also the quality of components. Cold water machine design is not reasonable, not only lead to product is not beautiful, more will affect the late water machine maintenance work. And parts of the quality, is to judge whether the durability of the cold water machine, the decisive factor, we all know, poor quality products, may be a few months or a year, is not a problem here is that there is a problem. Such as the core components of the cold water machine - the compressor, the secondary compressor can be compared with the new compressor? For example, the production of the evaporator and condenser of the brass, poor quality and imported copper tube can be compared to it? Other parts, I believe I have no need for one one examples.
An important mission of the chiller is to every factory dehumidifier, mixing machine, cutting machine, injection molding machine, laser machine, welding machine, etc. a series of equipment refrigeration and cooling the production capacity and production efficiency of the majority of users of the factory floor, to achieve a win-win goal. Before the summer of 2016, you must have a good cold water machine?



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