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What are the major hazards of the compressor, the exhaust temperature of the chiller?
2016-04-01 08:16:28 admin
As we all know, the exhaust temperature is an important parameter in the operation of the refrigeration compressor, which must be strictly controlled. If the exhaust valve temperature is too high will cause the cooling water machine dedicated refrigeration compressor. Next, East Star about the operation of the high exhaust gas temperature on the impact of industrial water.
1, the compressor exhaust temperature is too high, will directly lead to the oil and refrigerant in the metal catalytic direct thermal decomposition, and will produce harmful acids, free carbon and water. Free carbon will sink in the exhaust valve, not only to destroy its sealing, but also increase the flow resistance, peeling off the carbon slag was brought out of the compressor, will plug the capillary and dryer. The components and electrical insulating materials and acid corrosion chiller refrigeration system. The water will block the capillary.
2, the exhaust temperature of compressor is too high will directly make gas coefficient decreased, increase the shaft power. And viscosity lubricating oil and reduce the occurrence of the abnormal wear of the bearings and the cylinder, piston rings, or even cause fire accident of bearing and cylinder scuffing.
3, cold water machine operator should check if the compressor overheating, overheating will cause serious excessive expansion of the piston and stuck in the cylinder, will cause burning of closed type compressor with built-in motor.
4, the high temperature exhaust compressor will directly affect the service life of it, because the rate of chemical reaction is increased with the increase of temperature. In general, the material temperature rise 10 degrees electrical insulation, so its life is reduced by half. This is especially important for full closed compressor.
In short, East Star tells the operating in high exhaust temperature influence on industrial cooling water machine has the above content, we should deeply analyze and summarize. We must exhaust temperature of the chiller refrigeration compressor special restrictions, so as to better promote the development of the industry.



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