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To be the leader of the industry, to strive for greater living space
2016-03-09 08:30:09 admin
"A few years ago, the rapid development of people full of confidence to the industry, both from the macro environment, national agriculture policy efforts to increase and pay attention to energy saving and environmental protection, and a series of good news, looks very beautiful, actually say more is' light rain without thunder ', now facing the environment of Chinese market brutal price war, profit is compressed, market competition will be infinite expansion, the next step do not know how to do it?" Many dealers and small and medium enterprises, it is becoming increasingly difficult to do business.
Indeed, aboard the train of China's fast development, cold water machine industry, the way Veuve Clicquot flowers, but in the development to certain degree, many business model already outdated, too much emphasis on the price, rely on Shanzhai products and promotions and other means "wait for the money" era has gone forever, in the "Internet thinking hot today, enterprises should think on a higher level, need more practice" internal strength ".
We visited the market, there are some high-speed development of enterprises, they did not encounter the so-called development bottleneck, on the contrary, they are full of confidence in the market. "Others are in to seize the low-end market, but I put focus on the high-end market, by re selecting the brand agency, two lines of domestic brands and foreign brands to walk at the same time, allowing users to went into the store to experience the brand strength, and thus more firmly stop procurement, with the brand effect meet the demand for high-end customers." Dealers said that "free market changes, consumer demand diversification, and poor dissimilation competition often most of the advantages, dealing with people who have the trend of, only in the business model innovation to seize their hearts."
"Some people only see our compressor market share is high, the price is relatively high, so it is considered a large profit space. This is not objective, after all, we have a lot of manpower, material and financial resources in technical research and development, personnel training, brand building, after-sales service, so as to maintain the sustainable development of enterprises." Shenzhen East Star Refrigeration Company Wang said, no matter the size of the enterprise, only your product leader, will have a greater market. Customers choose not only to stare at the price, more important is the use of products. Small businesses can still get a big market, the key is to do."
And some enterprises have in the past simply by Shanzhai products open up the market, but in the development to a certain degree, they aimed at international advanced technology, through the introduction of foreign advanced management methods and personnel, the rapid formation of the R & D management system, some of the characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises, will make products designed to do deep, to take advantage of the price of services and eventually in the market formed a strong brand effect, even with the same type of brand comparable, they are under the transformation of the new era of refrigeration industry, the outstanding representative of.
In the face of competition, depend on the product and the service and so on various aspects of comprehensive promotion in order to win is market the eternal truth, and for the cold water machine industry, innovation is the key to decide whether an enterprise can survive. Only innovation can lead, and become a leader to have more living space.



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