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The development of
2015-11-24 11:07:00东星制冷 admin

The refrigeration industry serious homogenization of production, prices and channels warfare accelerated drills, the rapid development of e-commerce and mobile Internet gradually become refrigeration business development of another position, the refrigeration enterprises have the layout of the Internet to for the development of enterprises in the local and national mining to more customers and resources, the pilot of the refrigeration that vigorously develop the electricity supplier is imminent, is the trend of future development.
With the popularity of smart phone mobile Internet use, the products of intelligent and marketing network is the development trend of future refrigeration industry, this trend not reflux. However, how to develop, the East Star think: a refrigeration enterprise good to do, the cost difference and specific advantage. However, now under the high cost of refrigeration products more and more convergence, some refrigeration business to diversified development, lack of innovation of professional input, these are not enough. If refrigeration enterprises do not increase investment in research and development and basic research on common technology in order to improve the capability of independent innovation of enterprises, will not be able to in the huge market foothold. In cost, enterprises need innovation, transformation and professional efforts to achieve the perfect combination, to produce refined products.
Intelligent has been refrigeration industry as for the transformation and upgrading of important steps, both compressor, evaporator, control panel, regard it as the future direction of development of the industry. With the continuous development of intelligent products production technology to intelligent, modular and communication as the main characteristics of a new generation of intelligent of cold water machine will become the market mainstream products.
For cold water machine industry, in the face of the rise of the mobile Internet, not only to integration and development, but also to enhance economic efficiency, expand of the scale of the enterprise business model innovation. In fact, the wind and the mobile Internet industry development, is of great significance to promote the transformation and upgrading of the refrigeration industry.




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