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Screw chiller system with economizer
2017-04-12 09:13:30http://www.szdxj.com admin
  Screw chiller system with economizer
     The cooling efficiency of the chiller will be greatly improved in the mode of adding the economizer. Especially large screw chiller and low temperature chiller. The refrigeration system adopting the economic device is simple and easy to operate and use. This paper introduces the principle of the cold water chiller system:
     The system of the cold water cooler uses a heat exchanger (super cooler) to realize the liquid refrigerant subcooling. A portion of the refrigerant from the condenser is injected into the cooler through the jet, and the refrigerant after the throttling is vaporized and absorbed in the supercooling device, so as to achieve the effect of supercooling. This part of superheated steam enters the compressor through the economizer interface and mixes with the gas that has been partially compressed from the evaporator.
    The supercooled liquid of the supercooled water cooler is under the pressure of condensation, so it doesn't need any special character to connect with the evaporator. This system is suitable for general application.
     Explosion proof cold water compressor compressor wiring explosion-proof explosion-proof rating requirements, explosion-proof cold water machine use special occasions.
     For more information please contact us: Mr. Wang 13923464030 Tel: 0755-81715045 or visit our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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