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East star to share with you the difference between the refrigerant and cold load agent
2017-03-24 08:43:51 admin

cooled screw industrial water units, water-cooled screw industrial refrigerating units, air-cooled box-type industrial water chiller, air-cooled box industry refrigeration unit, etc., these products are generally we will use refrigerant R - 22.

Here we explain the knowledge of the refrigerant. Refrigerant in the refrigeration system cycle change of material. Refrigerant is also known as refrigerant is directly used for refrigeration working medium in the refrigeration system, such as freon, ammonia, dry ice. We said to the above refrigerant R - 22 is a kind of environmental protection of freon refrigerant.

And cold cold agent is used to transfer loads, to transmit the cold refrigerants are produced to other places. Such as water, air, ethylene glycol, salt water, etc. Cold agent commonly used in indirect cooling system, work in the refrigeration unit in indirect cooling way, will be the cold cooling object is passed to the refrigerant is evaporating object, is the indirect cooling in the refrigerating system. Belong to middle cooling medium in the process of cold and heat transfer, and is often referred to as the second refrigerant. Sort is more, take cold agent can be gas, liquid and solid.

From what has been discussed above, we can clearly understand the refrigerant and the differences of cold agent. Understand the use of these for day-to-day refrigerants, refrigerant there will be a great help. We are also not to mix the two things wrong use. For refrigeration products, the completion of each process, is one small step for a molding machine, and in the process of refrigeration products processing production, we for the completion of each link should be careful. In the process of choose and buy must also choose big manufacturers, major brands of refrigeration enterprises. With brand quality assurance, will be more used when users in the use of choose and buy the rest assured.

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