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Six characteristics of water-cooled chiller
2016-12-19 09:37:39http://www.szdxj.com admin
        Water cooled chillers or screw chillers for many of my friends are not unfamiliar, when it comes to the chiller many friends would forget to take it to compare with air-cooled chiller, air-cooled chiller is of course has its own advantages, but the advantages of general chiller itself the same is popular! We include six characteristics and the chiller more prominent:
        A water-cooled chiller relative to air-cooled chillers, the operation will be more secure, more conducive to maintenance and repair.
        Two, high-quality compressor as the chiller in the heart, and the compressor origin are generally in Europe and the United States, Japan's new imported compressor, built-in safety protection system, the noise is small, the energy saving and durable.
        Three, water-cooled chillers using the latest efficient external screw copper tube production, the volume is very small, while the heat transfer speed is very fast. Use the latest CAD/CAM processing technology, with CNC machining center production, compact structure, high reliability, beautiful appearance, high efficiency and energy saving.
        Four, water-cooled chiller unit configuration monolithic control system, built-in compressor drying filter and expansion valve, maintenance of hand valve interface and other devices to ensure the reliable and safe operation of the machine convenient maintenance.
        Five, tank type evaporator built-in automatic water supply device, eliminating the installation of the project Peng expansion tank convenient installation and maintenance, suitable for large temperature difference small flow and other special occasions.
        Multi function panel six, chiller with ammeter, control system of insurance, the compressor switch button, the pump switch button, electronic temperature controller, the safety protection and fault lamp units start operation indicator light, simple operation, easy to use. Water cooled chiller unit configuration: a single chip control system, built-in compressor drying filter and expansion valve, maintenance hand valve interface and other devices to ensure the reliable machine!
        The chiller has more than six specific reasons also has been much favored by customers, and with the increasingly fierce competition in the industry, will also promote the chiller constantly to the development of high efficiency and energy saving!



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