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East Star Refrigeration for you to resolve the difference between air-cooled chiller and water cooled chiller
2016-11-28 08:48:09http://www.szdxj.com admin

      In twenty-first Century the economic era of rapid development, industrial refrigeration industry has been recognized by more and more people in recent years, the use of all kinds of industrial cooling water machine enterprises more and more, the role of cold water machine in our life and production is more and more important. However, many individuals or businesses to buy water machine in the selection and the structure of the chiller type 'read is still very vague, for example, people sometimes do not understand the air cooled and water cooled chillers in the end what is the difference? Today, East Star Refrigeration with you to learn about the structure and the difference between the cold water machine.

      In fact, industrial cold water machine according to its cooling type (type of condenser), can be divided into two categories: air-cooled and water cooled. Here refers to the air-cooled or water-cooled chiller, refers to in the process of refrigeration heat emission way; but whether it is cold air cooling or water cooling machine is produced by it are provided by the freezing water, because no matter what kind of structure we can be said it is not cold water machine.

The structure characteristics of air cooled and water cooled chiller:

      The air - cooled chiller is self - cooling fan, and the condenser is fin - type (copper tube is aluminum fin).

      Water cooled chillers are equipped with water condenser, generally for the shell and tube condenser, generally need supporting cooling tower and cooling water pump to use.

Performance comparison of air cooled and water cooled chiller:

      The air-cooled chiller has the advantages of convenient installation, condensing fan installed, no external cooling tower, cooling water pump. Saving investment, no need to purchase the cooling tower, water pump, water pipe and other costs, reduce the installation of artificial and installation cycle; for a small chiller is cost-effective. Easy to move: compared with water cooled, no cooling water pipes, mobile more flexible and convenient; for the lack of water resources, or poor water quality (high hardness or salt content) in the area.

      Air-cooled chiller shortcomings: for example, in the environment of high temperature, the chiller efficiency only about 88%; if the user has a cooling water tower or water pump, the investment cost for the first time use air-cooled chiller than the chiller is higher; wind cooled to ambient air emissions in the when the cooling fan noise etc..

      The advantages of water-cooled Cooler: relatively air-cooled chiller, water cooled chiller efficiency is much higher, even in the environment of high temperature water cooler is better to the equipment play a cooling effect. Cooling performance is more stable, but also can effectively play a certain role in the throttle.

      Water cooled refrigerator installation is complicated, disadvantages: when used to be equipped with outdoor cooling towers and pumps are used together, and because the unit work is on the cooling water circulation cooling device, so it is necessary to do water management personnel, maintenance and high maintenance costs.

      Through the above overview you should know and understand more clearly to the difference and function of refrigeration equipment, East Star Refrigeration Company We after years of accumulation of technology, according to different environmental conditions in different types of factories need to develop different types of products, equipment, refrigeration equipment provided in compliance with the requirements for industry development.

Previous:Proper choice of chiller oil



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