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Normal running state of screw type water chiller
2016-11-23 08:55:09http://www.szdxj.com admin

 Normal running state of screw type water chiller

        First of all, screw chiller (screw compressor chiller) during normal operation, the high pressure is displayed in the 12.5 ~ 15K g/cm2, air-cooled 14 ~ 17k g/cm2 is the best, but not higher than 19.5k g/cm2, when the water pressure is higher than 19.5kg/cm2 type, air pressure is higher than 24K g/cm2, high voltage switch automatically jump off please press the following:

        Notes (1)

        Industrial refrigeration processing; low pressure 3.1 ~ 4.5K for g/cm2 is the best, but not less than 2K g/cm2, less than 2K g/cm2 low voltage automatic tripping.

        When the heat radiation of the condenser of the cold water machine (screw water chiller) is poor, the efficiency of the compressor is low, and the running current is improved. When the high pressure air cooled machine to 24kg/cm2, high pressure water cooled to 19.5kg/cm2, compressor by high voltage switch tripping protection, automatic stop operation appears high pressure compressor, overload alarm and display fault code or fault indication, this time need to check the circulating water cooling tower is normal, whether the cooling water temperature high cooling tower fan, water pump is running, the cooling water valve is fully open (air cooled machine check whether there is the phenomenon of radiator fouling, etc.) confirm that all the normal and then press the reset button to restart or shutdown (REST) chillers can operate normally. If there is often a high pressure overload alarm situation, it is necessary to arrange manufacturers as soon as possible to clean water chiller condenser.

        Notes (2)

        1 when the chiller water temperature at 5 degrees above, low table shows the pressure less than 2K g/cm2, said that the refrigerant is insufficient, therefore must first place the refrigerant leakage trap, and then replace the filter to vacuum, add the appropriate refrigerant.

        2 if it is found that the leakage of refrigerant partially immersed in water, must immediately stop the chiller operation, and speed of the water tank out as soon as possible, inform the manufacturers to send technical personnel to deal with maintenance in order to avoid the compressor will have refrigerant water inhalation damage more serious in the refrigeration system.



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