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How to deal with the evaporation pressure of the water cooled chiller?
2016-11-18 09:14:33http://www.szdxj.com admin
How to deal with the evaporation pressure of the water cooled chiller?

    The chiller is widely used in textile factory, electronics factory, chemical factory, plastic factory, printing factory, mainly frozen water of 3-30 DEG C to cooling equipment, so as to improve the product's superior product rate, improve work efficiency. However, yesterday, a customer asked about the East Star, they are in the cold water machine to buy a cold phenomenon occurs, resulting in a water cooled machine can not operate normally, a serious impact on production. Therefore, in particular, the East Star Refrigeration to help the analysis, in the end what is the reason for it, how to exclude?
    1, may be due to the lack of refrigerant caused by the evaporation pressure of the water cooled chiller is too low. Therefore, as long as the corresponding refrigerant can be added. But East Star Refrigeration to remind: if the refrigerant is insufficient, we must check whether there is an internal leak. If there is an internal leak to be repaired, or even if the refrigerant will be added directly, the problem can not be resolved.
    2, if the expansion valve of the water cooled chiller is too small or the valve plug will also cause the evaporation pressure is too low. Can be through the opening of the expansion valve, the valve can be ruled out to restore the normal use of the hole.
    3, may be due to the blockage of the liquid supply pipeline. After inspection, the direct removal of the liquid supply pipeline to solve the problem of dirt to solve the problem can be a.
    4, whether because of a fault caused by the evaporator inner product oil? If it is, the oil can be discharged directly.
    5. The evaporation pressure caused by the drying filter is too low. As long as the cleaning, replace the filter can be dry.
    6, if the solenoid valve of the solenoid valve does not work will also lead to this phenomenon. Can repair or replace the solenoid valve can be returned to normal use.
    7, may also be because of the expansion valve "ice jam" led to the first check the reason, and remove the expansion valve "ice jam" can be.



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