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Self repairing method when the cold water machine is in trouble
2016-11-11 14:46:58http://www.szdxj.com admin

Self repairing method when the cold water machine is in trouble

      When we use the industrial chiller in the normal production process, may be more or less such as some small problems, such as: sometimes there is no cooling water opportunity, we can not play the desired effect, and now as the summer temperatures continue to rise, in order to meet the needs of industrial production we will the chiller cooling capacity to the highest, some even 24 hours without stopping, then in the continuous high load operation, cold water machine is prone to failure. Here are some of the points we analyze:

      1, such as the screw type water chiller, related to the protection of the device set the value of the factory has been set up well, users do not arbitrarily change.
      2, non emergency shall not be cut off the main power to shut down the unit; in the long run to stop the use of cold water units, the unit should be closed, and then shut down the main power supply, and the water within the system to do.
      3, unit failure alarm, press the stop button, and then check the cause of failure or direct contact with the manufacturers, in the fault has not ruled out before forced to run.
      4, such as equipment is air-cooled water chiller startup should look at the fan is turned to the right, such as to be switched on, the power supply wiring inversion, and then start the sequence to be replaced.
      5, clean room with good ventilation, regular cleaning of condenser dirt removing work, ensure the normal and stable operation of chiller.
      6, cold water machine in normal operation, to give the machine cooling.



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