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What cold water machine for production of medical equipment
2016-10-18 08:22:59 admin
What cold water machine for production of medical equipment
First, the main medical equipment manufacturers need to see how much of the cooling capacity? If the refrigerating capacity is less than 30, the vortex chiller can be selected, and the recommended screw chiller or centrifugal chiller is recommended for more than 30 pieces.
Two, look at the environment is the choice of air-cooled chiller or water cooled chiller,
Air - cooled chiller is installed outside, the unit comes with fan, air - cooled condenser.
The water cooled chiller is installed in the room, the unit is cooled by water through the condenser, cooling water is sent to the cooling tower to cool. The air-cooled chiller is easy to install, and the air cooling is relatively integrated, which is more convenient than the water cooling.
Lingkun medical refrigeration equipment characteristics: such as magnetic resonance equipment, must continuously provide reliable cooling source, dual system of industrial chiller Dongxing development, when a unit of refrigeration system failure, automatically run another refrigeration system, increase the system reliability of shuo.
The quality of force ventilation pipeline protection measures
The protective measures to force the ventilation pipe quality, ventilation pipe quality protection measures are as follows.
1, the quality of support and hanger and the oil brush is not too long; protective measures: increased responsibility system should be promptly after the brush oil boom should carefully check the elevation of interception.
2, the quality of support and hanger spacing is too long; protective measures: implement the specification after the installation was seriously excessive clearance.
3, ventilation pipe equipment in the flange, waist hoop open welding; protection measures: carefully check before installation, found that the problem should be promptly adjusted.
4, the wind pipe production line of screw leakage or not tight loose; protection measures: increase the responsibility of the flange hole distance should be adjusted in a timely manner.
5, ventilation pipe equipment export long canvas distortion; protective measures: riveting canvas should be straightened, the straps should not leak off the canvas tightly.
6, ventilation pipe equipment to modify the pipe riveting hole is not blocked; protection measures: the application of modified sealant plugging.
7, ventilation pipe equipment, material off the pad; protective measures: strictly according to the process, flange surface should be clean.
8, ventilation duct equipment does not apply sealant; protection measures: strict implementation of the rules and regulations on the installation of air port requirements
How to solve the freezing problem of closed cooling tower?
The working fluid of closed cooling tower (water, oil or other liquid) flow in the coil, the coil outer wall spray water parcels, fluid through the wall heat transfer and heat steam, water and air travel saturated, heat is discharged into the atmosphere by the fan, spray water in the circulation process is reduced the temperature of the PVC heat sink, and fresh wind into the formation of Feng Shui flow in the same direction, the coil is mainly depend on the damp heat conduction mode, the scale formation principle of important characteristics is the largest such operation may inhibit the coil wall.
First, add antifreeze: local minimum ambient dry bulb temperature (temperature) of -10 DEG C or lower than -10 DEG C, should add antifreeze of high content of 20-30%, the actual ice freezing as the criterion, the user can flexibly according to the actual situation.
Two, stop (not long ago) with cooler water in the dry compressed air, the first closed cooling tower water out, then the compressed air is connected to the exhaust hole filling, then the residual moisture exclusion from the water outlet.
Three, the use of electric heating treatment: when the ambient temperature is only 0 degrees Celsius, can be considered in the pipeline or circulating water tank with electric heater or other heat source to increase the surface temperature of closed cooling tower, so as to achieve the purpose of anti freezing.
Contact us
Shenzhen East Star Refrigeration electromechanical Co., Ltd.
Contact: Mr. Wang
Service hotline: 13923464030
Telephone: 0755-81715045
Fax: 0755-81715085
Address: Shenzhen Guanlan Zhangkeng diameter Wai Industrial Zone
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