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Refrigeration letters
2016-08-10 08:35:45 admin
Refrigeration Express - 2011 chiller overall sales reached 14 billion 800 million yuan, compared with 10 billion 800 million yuan in 2010 sales increased by 37%. In the field of central air conditioning, water cooled cabinet units has been the main model of the air conditioning system of large scale public buildings in some large or super large building air conditioning applications, chiller even is the only choice for air conditioning scheme. It is also based on this, in recent years, China's cold water machine market has achieved rapid development, the expansion of the market scale is rapid.
With a large number of domestic brands such as GREE, the United States have increased the intensity of the cold water machine market, the domestic market share of the cold water market is changing. Although the four major European and American brands still dominated the market share of the cold water machine market 49.7%, but compared to the share of 50.9% in 2010 compared to a decline of 1.2%. And times at the same time, domestic brands in the cold water machine market, especially water cooling screw machine and modular machine sales accounted for a greater increase.
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