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Relationship between price and quality of industrial cold water machine
2016-08-03 08:38:26 admin
Cold water machine prices generally, tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of, according to real need, customers can select different price
Industrial cold water machine. So, the cold water machine price is related to the quality of it? If relevant, how much is the relationship?
Different cold water machine, the price is different, such as the same level of water and air cooling water machine prices are not the same, and small cold water machine
With the medium and large cold water machine prices are naturally quite different. Small water cooler power, the cost of the use of parts and accessories is relatively small
, even with the best of the compressor and related components, the price will not have a high price of large cold water machine.
This is the first point, meaning that the different levels of cold water machine prices vary widely, simply from the price point of view, it is not out of the quality of the
At the same level of the cold water machine, the price will not be too big, but because of different models, different cooling methods, the use of the compressor or control
The way is different, the price will have a certain gap. At the same level as the same level as well as the same level, the compressor and other important parts of the configuration phase
The same time, the price difference is not too much, once the price difference is too big, "Maoni", but does not rule out the better overall quality to
And manufacturers of high reliability of the cold water machine brand, the price will be higher.
In addition, the price of the cold water machine is also affected by other factors:
Whether the seller is the two level dealers rather than manufacturers? If it is not a factory direct sales, then the price will be relatively high, after all, the middleman
Must have a certain profit.
Manufacturers offer is obviously too high? It is recommended that the goods should be more than three to look at the causes of the price gap, and to make the final determination.
Special VAT invoice? And VAT ordinary invoices, value-added tax invoices issued, the IRS is to be specified
The proportion of tax collection, so for all commodities, the natural price to open a higher price.

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