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New opportunities for the development of refrigeration industry
2016-08-01 08:50:48 admin
At present, usher in a period of rapid development of agricultural products cold chain logistics, many business will also shift attention to the delivery of fresh food, in this
In the process, how to do product is a urgent problem to solve the problem, at the same time, the need for agricultural products in the process of cold storage,
Public attention to food health problems, as well as the increase in demand for frozen food, have promoted the development of cold chain of agricultural products.
Refrigeration is the key link.
Frozen food has gradually become one of the most rapid development of food industry in our country, with the rapid development of technology in the future, the sound of the legal system, people
The development of food refrigeration transport and refrigeration equipment will be gradually improved.
With the development of the agricultural product re processing and refrigeration industry, the demand for cold storage refrigeration equipment is increasing, and the cold water machine industry will also usher in a
New opportunities for development.



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