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Discussion on the maintenance of refrigerated truck and refrigerator
2016-07-29 09:14:22 admin
Refrigerated trucks in the normal use of the car and refrigeration machine maintenance and maintenance is not open. Only on time on a variety of refrigerated trucks for proper maintenance and maintenance, in order to ensure the normal use of equipment and prolong the service life of the equipment. Usually chassis engine is in accordance with the mileage for maintenance and maintenance, and the refrigeration unit is in accordance with the working hours of the engine to develop maintenance and maintenance. Usually the refrigeration unit is 500-700/h for a maintenance and maintenance, the need to replace the oil filter, fuel filter, air filter, and should pay attention to check the tightness of the belt, refrigeration system, such as leakage, etc..
However at present individual brands of refrigeration unit in order to meet the demand of environmental protection to minimize damage to the environment, reduce the emission of harmful substances, and the use of synthetic oil or semi synthetic engine oil to replace the ordinary oil, thus extending the engine maintenance time, usually in a 2000 hours do a maintenance. Therefore, the emission of waste oil is reduced. In addition, after scientific experiments show that through the use of this high-end oil, not only to reduce the wear of the engine, but also to reduce fuel consumption of the engine. Therefore, the reasonable maintenance and maintenance of Shenyang refrigerated truck, not only can ensure the integrity of the equipment, but also can reduce operating costs.



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