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What cold water machine is good for the production of medical equipment?
2016-07-27 09:11:18 admin
First, the main medical equipment manufacturers need to see how much of the cooling capacity? If the refrigerating capacity is less than 30, the vortex chiller can be selected, and the recommended screw chiller or centrifugal chiller is recommended for more than 30 pieces.
Two, look at the environment is the choice of air-cooled chiller or water cooled chiller,
Air - cooled chiller is installed outside, the unit comes with fan, air - cooled condenser.
The water cooled chiller is installed in the room, the condenser of the unit is cooled by cooling water, and the cooling water is sent to the cooling tower. The air-cooled chiller is easy to install, and the air cooling is relatively integrated, which is more convenient than the water cooling.
Lingkun medical refrigeration equipment characteristics: such as magnetic resonance equipment must be uninterrupted access to reliable cold source, East Star Development of dual system industrial chillers, when fault happens to a refrigeration system unit, another refrigeration system automatically put into operation, increase the reliability of system Shuo.



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