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How refrigerant charge?
2016-07-22 08:58:43 admin
Refrigerant charge excessive, the evaporator of the liquid level heat pump refrigeration is too high, running excess liquid will continue in the return air heat absorption evaporation, this
When the air return tube is used as an evaporating pipe, the water in the outside air is adsorbed on the back pipe, and then condensed into a cream. Serious when the compressor casing
Will this is the frost, liquid impact performance. After the liquid hammer, the air valve of the compressor is especially easy to damage, and even other rotating parts are damaged. cause
System can not operate normally, a slight liquid hit Haier heat pump water, such as wet stroke (inhalation of gas), will significantly reduce the cooling effect
Refrigerant refrigerant compressor power calculation flow is too small or inadequate cooling. The consequence is that the exhaust temperature rises and the cooling capacity decreases.
Its performance for the suction pipe is not cool, no dew, the casing of the compressor is very hot.
Liquid filling method: it is best to use liquid filling because liquid refrigerant Remaliah gaseous refrigerant is much faster, and liquid in the liquid pipeline
On the need to have a liquid valve. Recommended to add liquid through a dry filter. To prevent any contamination from entering the system as a result of negligence.
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