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It is very important to reduce fouling in water-cooled chillers
2021-05-26 08:33:36深圳市东星制冷机电有限公司 东星制冷
Accumulation of a layer of solid or ooze, called dirt, increases the additional heat resistance and flow resistance of dirt, increasing the required heat transfer area, power consumption, and maintenance and cleaning costs. Because of the large quantity and wide range of heat exchangers, the scaling of heat exchangers has great influence on one-off investment, metal material consumption and energy consumption. In today's emphasis on energy saving and emission reduction, it is particularly important to minimize the impact of dirt. During the operation of water-cooled chillers, there are slightly soluble or insoluble minerals in the water side of the heat exchanger, especially in the condenser of the open-cycle cooling water system, such as calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, calcium silicate, iron oxide, phosphate and so on. Scale is formed on the inner surface of the heat transfer tube; dust, silt, algae, microbial community and even leaves, weeds and so on. The sediment mixed with water is deposited on the inner surface of the heat transfer tube to form sludge. The fouling on the water side mainly includes water scale and sludge, which increases the heat transfer resistance of the heat transfer surface, directly affects the heat transfer effect, increases the condensing temperature or decreases the evaporating temperature, which leads to the increase of energy consumption and the decrease of the refrigerating capacity of the refrigerator. The thickening of scale layer reduces the cross-sectional area of flow in the heat transfer tube, increases the velocity of flow and the roughness of the tube wall, leads to the increase of flow resistance in the water side, and then increases the power consumption of the pump. The accumulation of fouling will cause local corrosion or even perforation of the heat transfer surface, which will seriously threaten the safe operation and service life of water-cooled chillers. In the heat exchanger design of water-cooled chiller, the fouling increases the heat transfer resistance, reduces the total heat transfer coefficient of the heat transfer tube, and increases the energy consumption of the compressor. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the heat transfer area to make up for the reduction of the total heat transfer coefficient to ensure adequate heat transfer. The correct choice of Fouling Coefficient has great influence on the cost, energy consumption and operation cost of heat exchanger. Unfortunately, there is no universally accepted fouling coefficient value that can be used accurately in the design of heat exchangers, although the research on fouling is still going on. In the design of heat exchanger, the selection of Fouling Coefficient often depends on experience rather than science. On the basis of experience in the operation of a particular system with the same or similar operating conditions, or on the basis of measurement data obtained from actual equipment with the same operating conditions, it may be reasonable to make an estimate based on test data obtained in a laboratory using a prototype or model device, or using data recommended by an authority. Due to the different features of heat exchangers in different areas and different occasions, the above methods may not be suitable for heat exchangers in different occasions. Heat exchanger equipment with process parameters, equipment materials, range of operating conditions, scaling performance needs to be collected, tested and analyzed before determining which method or methods to use. Therefore, it is the real energy-saving way to put forward the technical requirements of scale inhibition and removal, select appropriate, effective and economical scale inhibition and removal measures to ensure the normal, stable and effective operation of heat exchanger. Oh, Shit



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