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How to judge the cold water machine has been leaking refrigerant? And how to deal with it
2016-06-24 08:44:21http://www.szdxj.com admin
How to judge the cold water machine has been leaking refrigerant? And how to deal with it
Perhaps you will often hear customers ask "why our cold water machine in normal operation, sometimes will become refrigeration or cooling capacity effect of poor and can not meet the requirements of use of our site problems when we encounter such a situation, it is likely because we chiller refrigerant leakage caused do we refrigeration after-sales of friends. So how to quickly judge the leakage of cold water machine refrigerant it? When we encounter this situation, we should how to deal with it? Below from the East Star small series to provide you with the following strokes:
Reason analysis: in general, refrigerant is the most important component of the compressor refrigeration system, cold water machine compressor needs to rely on cold media to carry out cooling. Once the cooling water leakage occurs, it will lead to poor performance of the cooling capacity, and even can not achieve the refrigeration equipment.
Judging method: when the cold water machine above problems mainly: low pressure and a decrease in the refrigeration quantity, return air temperature increases, the exhaust temperature, or naturally evaporating pressure the, if the cooling down, and evaporation pressure and very low below 2-3kg the natural right, to doubt whether leakage cold coal the, but also may be caused by other reasons. There is a long time after the shutdown, the rapid evaporation pressure from the temperature corresponding to the pressure drop to 2-3 is also wrong. But under normal circumstances due to the cold water machine models are more, so tend to judge chillers possible leakage of refrigerant is endless also and same, under normal circumstances, such as cold water machine fan blowing out of the air. If the blowing out of the cold, judgment for chiller drain refrigerant the. You need to observe the numerical value of the cold water machine pressure gauge, if the value is low, it can be judged that the cooling water machine may have leakage of refrigerant.
Processing method: how to check the leak? We propose to put clean cold water machine interior residual refrigerant, adding nitrogen test leak, repair after re charging refrigerant.
For more than ten years, Shenzhen East Star Refrigeration Company for the country's largest and most professional manufacturer of cold water machine, production Taiwan screw type chiller, open chiller, air-cooled chiller, water cooled chiller and so on. If you want to know more about the water machine information, please view our official website http://www.szdxj.com



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