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Refrigeration and environmental protection complement each other
2016-06-18 08:12:48 admin
environmental protection
Before refrigeration system designers in the environmental protection often do not pay enough attention, nowadays, people has become increasingly aware of the relationship between environment and sustainable economic development, and the refrigeration environment has also put forward higher requirements. Therefore, the design of cooling system, the choice of cooling method should seriously consider several aspects: selected refrigerants used in refrigeration method direct harm to human and biology; refrigerant to the environment, such as the greenhouse effect and the atmospheric ozone layer destruction; at the same time, it is also necessary to consider the effect of vibration and noise of the Phoenix refrigerator refrigeration device running.
System initial investment
For users, in reaching the same cooling requirements, it is clear that the initial investment, the better. Practice shows that the temperature range for the same cooling capacity, the same and different cooling method a great wall industrial electric fan investment is not the same, and sometimes even difference is very big, therefore, typical of normal, should be on a variety of different cooling methods of comparative analysis. Especially in the construction of the special requirements of the refrigeration project, it should be in-depth analysis of a variety of different programs.
Cost of operation management
For the cooling capacity, the long run time of the refrigeration unit, its operation and management costs are the focus of consideration, is the key to the overall economic efficiency of the system. The performance and characteristics of various refrigeration methods are different, and the management fee is not the same throughout the year. The design and selection of the various programs should be aware of the economic and technical analysis.
Convenience of operation and maintenance
Different cooling methods can be used to design different refrigeration devices, their operation regulation and the convenience of daily maintenance are also different. The convenience of operation and maintenance should be considered when designing the system.
In addition, for the special field, focus on the choice of the system will be different. As for medical instrument, military equipment of national defence technology research, system economy may not be the most important, and operational safety and reliability will be the ultimate criterion in evaluating the performance of the system. The cooling of microelectronic devices is more emphasis on refrigeration device miniaturization and easy operation. So choose final proper refrigeration method, need to fully understand the basis of various methods of the principle and characteristics of that of refrigeration objects of Jining ground source heat pump comprehensive survey analysis, considering all the factors and finally determined.



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