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Stick to it, take a look at the world.
2016-06-01 08:14:05 admin
The life as a journey of the people, life poetic and aesthetic, pale and far away; and the life as a battlefield of the people, the encounter is always a fierce struggle, exciting and strong. Life is like this, you choose 1 will meet 1, there is no right and wrong points, only to bear or not.
Not words to live in all things, only to understand the vision. Don't say emotional language, do not hurt, do not taste resentment people. Learn to hide, learn to be strong. Learn to let go of the things that make us unhappy, learn to let their humble people. This is my life to the past, beautiful appearance: Su Li xiangyang. In life, not all of us will be able to work hard, and more time we will feel powerless. It's not just you, it's not me, it's all the same.
Life wrapped in bitter, hot, sweet and sour, life is mediocre; maybe love Chanchanmianmian, hand is simple; only willing accompanied by generation after generation, black hair hair safely. Endure dull, like simple, enjoy the joys and sorrows of life, and his (her) hand in hand for a lifetime, never abandon, is your promise and you pay for love, both men and women alike.
Simple, plain, and perhaps cruel, you can enjoy all this, you are happy. You can find a reason to be sad, also can find a reason to be happy. The night turns is the day, sad turn is happy; hard work can make up for the lack of intelligence, but clever can not make up for the deficiency of laziness. Happy to see the world, the end is also a romantic, with depression to see the world, the rainbow is also a yoke.



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