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An example of high exhaust temperature of screw type water chiller
2016-04-18 08:38:00 admin
In East Star actual formation process and screw type cold water machine row often a phenomenon, is the outlet temperature is particularly high, in other words, what is the feeling of cold water machine to the cooling effect, in this case, we can not blind to judge, but to the cold water machine itemized inspection.
The following is an overhaul of the East Star, first of all, before the overhaul, we put the working principle of screw type water machine turned out, this is mainly to clear the order of maintenance. Heat transfer rate (endothermic)
1 first check is the condenser cooling water is sufficient, if the cooling water less on the water valve switch all open, or add the cooling water.
2 check the friction parts of the compressor to see whether the lubricating parts of the lubricating oil maintenance, the compressor is the core component of the cooling system, its efficient operation of the system is greatly improved.
3 the compressor's exhaust valve piece is complete, whether the piston ring leakage.
Heat transfer rate (heat transfer)
4 evaporator is normal operation, check whether the leakage of cooling pipe.
5 the return gas pipeline of the low temperature gas has good heat insulation, the insulation layer is damaged or aging.
6 finally to determine whether it is because the air inlet temperature is much higher than usual led to the cooling after the temperature is still very high. (simply inlet is usually 120 degrees now is 180 degrees) after such a lot of maintenance, because the original is cooling pipe has an interface because time is too long, slightly cold air leakage, simple repair, system and return back to the normal state of the.



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