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How to choose the proper evaporator for industrial chiller?
2016-04-15 08:13:17 admin
1, water immersion evaporator used in volatile coolant circulating system. For saline ice tank ice production process, is not closed circulatory system, then the evaporator is only desirable type. For cooling or freezing packaged food in brine, and centralized spray type air conditioner refrigeration system, a water tank immersed evaporator can be used.
2, salt water on the corrosion of ferrous metals is very powerful, and when the air contact, it's corrosion is more intense. As a result, in the case of the production process, as far as possible using closed cycle. The coolant circulation system is volatile, must adopt closed circulation. In these two cases, the horizontal shell and tube evaporator is the best choice.
3 and when industrial chillers using water immersion or shell and tube evaporator, the working temperature of the refrigerant should refrigerant evaporator temperature is about 5 DEG C higher than that of the, and the carrier of refrigerant freezing point should be refrigerant evaporation temperature is lower than 5 ~ 8 DEG C (the tank immersed evaporator from 5 to 6 degrees centigrade, the shell tube type evaporator from 6 to 8 DEG C).
4, cooling and discharging pipes and cold machine: for cold storage, usually adopts a cold air machine to improve the cooling temperature, small refrigerator freezing can use resting posture exhaust pipe or wall pipe and pipe jacking. For the cold storage to prevent dry goods, usually by wall tube or pipe jacking, if there is no cold dry problem. In general, the cooling fan.
5, for the low evaporation temperature of industrial water chiller evaporator, should pay attention to the influence of the height of the refrigerant liquid column on the evaporation temperature of the chiller. The lower the evaporation temperature, the greater the impact of the liquid column, so we should adopt some measures to reduce the height of the liquid column in the evaporator.



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