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Energy saving method for water cooler (refrigerator)
2017-07-04 08:21:29www.szdxj.com admin
Energy saving method for water cooler (refrigerator)
East Star Refrigeration: water chiller (chiller) energy saving methods
1. water chiller (chiller) energy saving principle, 1: temperature, reduce condensing temperature, in order to meet the equipment safety and production needs under the premise, as far as possible to increase the evaporation temperature and reduce the condensing temperature. To this end, we have increased the cooling tower transformation, in order to ensure the effectiveness of cooling water.
2. to prevent and reduce pipeline scaling to improve the heat exchange efficiency of the condenser and evaporator of water if the water treatment do not produce heat, calcium bicarbonate and magnesium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate deposition in pipeline. The performance of the condenser and the evaporator can also be influenced by the reduction of the heat conductivity, and the electricity cost of the equipment operation is greatly increased. At this time, in addition to the use of water treatment technology, but also can use the pipeline regularly automatic cleaning equipment for pipe cleaning.
3. adjust the reasonable running load of chiller (chiller) equipment
In the case of ensuring the safe operation of the equipment, the chiller operates at a 70%-80% load ratio and operates at 100% load, and the power consumption per unit of cooling is less. In this way, the pump should be combined with the operation of the water pump and cooling tower.
4. adopt a cold water machine (refrigerator) frequency conversion device, adjust the speed of the centrifugal water cooler (refrigerator) compressor, low pressure refrigerant, after the centrifuge, the pressure rises. The greater the speed of the centrifuge, the higher the pressure. In actual operation, the equipment is mostly running at non full load. Fixed speed centrifuges cause waste of energy when the equipment runs at small load. And the frequency conversion centrifugal water cooler (refrigerator) can automatically adjust the speed of the compressor according to the change of the load, and the energy saving space is relatively large.
Refrigeration system and energy regulation of high and low temperature alternating test chamber
Alternating high and low temperature test box refrigeration system (range of -40-150) is used in single stage refrigeration compressor, if the temperature range (-70-150 degrees) will be using the cascade refrigeration compressor, generally is composed of two parts, which are high and low temperature part. The high temperature part is the medium temperature refrigerant, and the low temperature part uses the cryogenic refrigerant, and each part is a complete single-stage or two-stage compression refrigeration system. The evaporation of refrigerant in the high temperature part of the system is used to condense the refrigerant in the cryogenic system, and only when the refrigerant in the system is cooled at low temperature will it be cooled. The high temperature part and the low temperature part are connected by a condensing evaporator, which is the evaporator of the high temperature part and the condenser of the low temperature part.
How can the high and low temperature alternating test box be regulated by energy when it is running, and the required gas flow will also change with the change of service condition and the change of working condition. Energy transfer is usually carried out by means of gas flow regulation. The main principle is that the suction and exhaust chamber, compressor exhaust directly back to the suction chamber, the suction pressure and discharge pressure is almost the same, the compressor needs only to overcome the suction and exhaust valve spring pre tightening force, can be aspirated into the exhaust.



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