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Difference between cryogenic chiller and traditional refrigerator
2017-06-20 08:24:42http://www.szdxj.com admin
Cryogenic refrigerators are different from ordinary refrigerators because cryogenic freezers have reached a high freezing rate of up to 5 centimeters per hour. For example, a starter for making cheese and yogurt can quickly be frozen into loose particles. As fast as the temperature drops, as much as 95% of microbes can survive. In this way, frozen leavening agents are easy to store, transport, and use during fermentation. The freezing capacity of traditional refrigerators is fixed at the time of design. Cryogenic refrigerators have a wide range of refrigeration and can be frozen with a lot of new products. For example, liquid ice can be used to freeze the pectin of ice cream. First, the ice cream surface is frozen at low temperature. If you place the ice cream in the pectin, the pectin will spread evenly over the ice cream surface. This method of freezing can thicken the ice cream pectin coating.
This modern refrigeration technology has great potential for development, but we have to remember one point: temperature guarantee is equal to quality guarantee. The frozen chain links food producers, retailers and consumers closely. We must bear in mind that the quality of the product can only be guaranteed by proper storage and transportation.
For more information, please contact us: Mr. Wang, 13923464030, Tel: 0755-81715045 or login at our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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