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How do I deal with a high voltage alarm on a water-cooled chiller?
2017-06-05 14:25:06http://www.szdxj.com admin
Water cooled chillers with water pump and cooling tower, water pressure alarm unit will be used, often because of problems in the process of using water or debris into the unit, there will be high and low voltage alarm, then, how do we deal with these problems?
1, first of all should check the cooling tower is normal work, whether the water pump is open. When other parts of the unit are normal, then only the cooling tower does not work when the high-pressure alarm;
2, if the cooling water circulation system and expansion valve (Mao Xiguan) are no problem, still appear high pressure alarm case, it is necessary to check the cooling tower water quality is clean, dry filter has no jam. If necessary, add water treatment equipment to the water source, clean the condenser, etc.;
3, if the water pump and cooling tower are normal operation, still appear high-pressure alarm, at this time we will check the capillary (expansion valve) whether plug, or whether there is a leak.
4, the above steps are checked to show the normal, it depends on the high / low pressure table data, in turn to determine whether there is no refrigerant leakage, or air access.
East Star according to many years of experience, the chiller pressure alarm is basic cause of poor water quality, impurities into the water hole, hindering the cooling effect of cooling tower, we should remove impurities, water quality testing, do the appropriate processing to prevent impurities from entering the cooling water tower, affecting the normal operation of the chiller. The chiller, caused the high pressure alarm.
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