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Overheating of water cooled screw chiller
2017-05-18 09:52:19www.szdxj.com admin
Screw water chillers and bad heat treatment methods: when the condenser heat is not good, the compressor efficiency is low, the operating current increased when the air cooled high pressure up to 24kg/cm2, water cooled high pressure compressor by up to 20kg/cm2, high voltage switch protection tripping, stopping the compressor, heat and pressure overload and poor display fault code please review or failure indication, the circulating water cooling tower is normal, the cooling water temperature is too high or not, whether the operation of fan water pump cooling tower, cooling water valve is fully open (please check the air-cooled radiator without fouling), above normal and then press the reset button to restart or shutdown normal operation. Please arrange cleaning condenser as soon as high voltage overload occurs frequently.
Gas refrigerant screw type chiller unit by the evaporator of state, after the compressor adiabatic compression, a high temperature and pressure. The compressed gas refrigerant is cooled in a condenser by isobaric cooling, and is changed into a liquid refrigerant after condensation, and then expanded to a low pressure by a throttling valve to become a gas-liquid mixture. Among them, the liquid coolant at low temperature and low pressure absorbs the heat of the cold substance in the evaporator, and then re - forms into a gaseous refrigerant. The gaseous refrigerant is piped back into the compressor and a new cycle is started. This is the four process of the refrigeration cycle, and also the main working principle of the screw chiller.
First, screw chiller compressor using international brands, the new type of high efficiency screw rotary compressor, higher than the general compressor efficiency of 20%-30%, and access to European and American multinational patents, IS9001 international certification quality.
Two 、 high efficiency 5:6 patent asymmetric rotor profile.
Three, the capacity can be controlled by four segment (100%-75%-50%-25%) or three type (100-66%-33%) and stepless control system.
Four, the 11 bearing and a thrust balance Gu combination design, greatly enhance the bearing life of 2.5-3.5 times.
Five, the high efficiency silicon steel sheet special groove design, and equipped with omnidirectional design inside and outside the cooling flow to the compressor motor under any load can play the highest efficiency.
For more information, please contact us: Mr. Wang, 13923464030, Tel: 0755-81715045 or login at our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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