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How do industrial chillers choose the right evaporator?
2017-05-18 08:11:01http://www.szdxj.com admin
1, water immersion evaporator used in volatile coolant circulating system. For the production of ice in a brine tank, a closed cycle system cannot be used, and this evaporator is the only desirable type. For chilled or frozen bagged food in brine, as well as centralized spray air conditioning chillers, refrigeration systems are available for use in water tank immersion evaporators.
2, brine corrosion on ferrous metals is very serious, and when it is in contact with the air, its corrosion is more severe. Therefore, in the production process allows closed loop as much as possible. The coolant circulation system is volatile, must adopt closed circulation. In these two cases, a horizontal shell and tube evaporator is the best choice for chiller.
3, when the industrial chiller tank by immersion or shell and tube evaporator, refrigerant working temperature should be higher than the temperature of the evaporator refrigerant high 5 degrees Celsius, the freezing point and the coolant should be higher than the evaporation temperature of refrigerant low of 5 to 8 DEG C (the water immersed evaporator from 5 to 6 DEG C, the shell and tube type from 6 to 8 DEG C) evaporator.
4 、 selection of cooling pipe and air cooler: for cold storage, the cold air blower is usually adopted to increase the cooling temperature. The shelf type pipe or wall pipe and pipe jacking can be used in the freezing room of small cold storage. To prevent the drying of cargo cold storage, usually using wall tubes or pipe jacking, if there is no air drying problems of cold storage, generally use cold air.
5. For the evaporator of industrial water chiller with lower evaporation temperature, attention should be paid to the influence of the liquid column height on the evaporation temperature of the chiller. The lower the evaporation temperature, the greater the influence of the liquid column. Therefore, some measures should be adopted to reduce the liquid column height in the evaporator.
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