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The advent of midsummer, what should industrial production use cooling water machine?
2017-05-17 09:41:04http://www.szdxj.com admin
Hot summer, some people happy, some people worry. Different people like to cool down in different ways: for example, swimming, blowing air conditioners at home, eating cold food, etc.. What about the people who work in the factory?
A lot of people think they can use air conditioning, but is that really right?
The plant space is very large, there are a lot of equipment or products such as high temperature heat source: plant air plus hot factory employees, the oxygen content of the air demand is big, easy to produce odor, ventilation frequency and ventilation needs enough; if the installation of air conditioning, power consumption is very large, if the installation of the fan, the cooling effect is not well, the workers complained a lot. Next, let's get to know one of the tools of plant cooling: chiller.
Water chiller is one of the cooling air conditioners. It is used in factories to ventilate and cool down. It solves the problem of low working environment with low energy consumption. The water cooler sends air through the fan to cause negative pressure inside the machine, and the outdoor air flows through the wet wet curtain, and the air and the water are fully contacted, and the sensible heat in the air is absorbed, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing temperature.
The water cooler is energy-saving and environment-friendly, and the investment cost of ventilation and cooling is greatly reduced. For factories and enterprises, energy saving and environmental protection has always been very concerned about their problems, the energy saving can save electricity costs for consumers, and environmental effects can guarantee the health of consumers is not affected. When the unsaturated air flows through the porous and moist wet curtain surface, a large amount of water evaporates, and the sensible heat in the air changes from the sensible heat to the latent heat of evaporation, thus reducing the temperature of the air itself. When the fan is pulled out, the cold air which passes through the wet curtain can be continuously introduced into the room, so as to achieve the cooling effect.
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