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How to judge the chiller has leaked refrigerant? And how to deal with it?
2017-05-13 08:37:27http://www.szdxj.com admin
Our customer service refrigeration we often hear friends may ask "why customers our cold water machine in normal operation condition, sometimes do not change or refrigeration; refrigeration effect is poor and can not meet the requirements for the use of our site and other issues when we encounter this situation, is likely to be caused by refrigerant the leakage of water cooling machine. Then, how can we quickly judge the leakage of coolant in the water cooler? What should we do when we encounter this situation? The following is the East Star small series to provide you with the following strokes:
Reason analysis: Generally speaking, refrigerant is the most important component of compressor refrigeration system, and the compressor of cold water machine needs to rely on refrigerant to carry on refrigeration. Once the chiller has leaked refrigerant, the cooling capacity will be poor and even the refrigeration of the equipment can not be achieved.
Judgment method: when the above problem occurs when the main cooling water machine will be shown as: low pressure, cooling capacity decreased, gas temperature, exhaust temperature, or see the natural evaporation pressure, if not cooling down, while the evaporation pressure is very low, less than 2-3kg that of natural right, we must wonder whether the leakage of refrigerant however, there may be other reasons. There is also a long time to stop, the rapid evaporation pressure from the temperature corresponding to the pressure drop to 2-3 is also wrong. But under normal circumstances because the chiller type is more, so often judge the chiller possible leakage of refrigerant is not the same, under normal circumstances, such as low temperature cold water fan blowing out hot air is blown out, if cold, cold water machine for judging refrigerant leakage. You need to observe the value of the water cooler pressure gauge, and if the value is low, you can judge the water cooler may leak coolant.
How to check the leak point? We recommend cleaning the remaining coolant in the chiller, adding nitrogen to test the leak point, repairing and recharging the refrigerant.
In the past more than 10 years, Shenzhen East Star Refrigeration Company is the largest and most professional manufacturer of water chiller in China. It produces screw type chiller, open water chiller, air-cooled chiller, water-cooled chiller and so on.
For more information, please contact us: Mr. Wang, 13923464030, Tel: 0755-81715045 or login at our website: http://www.szdxj.com



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